Installing OEM 12c on Linux

Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c cloud control installation

1. Architecture :

2. Background :

Oracle Management Agent (Management Agent/OMA)

The Management Agent is an integral software component that enables you to convert an un-managed host to a managed host in the Enterprise Manager system. The Management Agent works in conjunction with the plug-ins to monitor the targets running on that managed host.

Oracle Management Service (OMS)

The OMS is a Web-based application that orchestrates with the Management Agents and the Plug-Ins to discover targets, monitor and manage them, and store the collected information in a repository for future reference and analysis. The OMS also renders the user interface for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. The OMS is deployed to the Oracle Middleware home (Middleware home), which is the parent directory that has the Oracle WebLogic Server home, the OMS home, the Management Agent home, the plug-in home, the Java Development Kit (JDK), the OMS instance base directory, the Oracle WT directory, the Oracle Common directory, and other relevant configuration files and directories. While deploying the OMS, the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard installs Oracle WebLogic Server if it does not already exist in your environment. As a result, a WebLogic Server admin console is also installed.

Oracle Management Repository (Management Repository/OMR)

The Management Repository is a storage location where all the information collected by the Management Agent gets stored. It consists of objects such as database jobs, packages, procedures, views, and tablespaces.

The OMS uploads the monitoring data it receives from the Management Agents to the Management Repository. The Management Repository then organizes the data so that it can be retrieved by the OMS and displayed in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console. Since data is stored in the Management Repository, it can be shared between any number of administrators accessing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

At the time of installation, the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard configures the Management Repository in your existing, certified database. The wizard, however, does not install a new database.


Plug-Ins are pluggable entities that offer special management capabilities customized to suit specific target types. Unlike the earlier releases of Enterprise Manager, in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, the plug-ins work in conjunction with the OMS and the Management Agent to monitor every target in your environment. Therefore, they are deployed to the OMS as well as the Management Agent. In the earlier releases, plug-ins enabled you to monitor only third-party targets, but in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, plug-ins enable you to monitor all types of targets in your environment.

Plug-ins have independent release cycles, so every time you have a new version of an Oracle product released, you will have a new version of the plug-in released to support monitoring of that new product version in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. This simplifies things because you no longer have to wait to upgrade your Enterprise Manager system to support a new product version; instead you can upgrade your plug-ins to monitor the new product version.

Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console

The Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console is the user interface you see after you install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. With the help of the console, you can monitor and administer your entire computing environment from one location on the network. All the systems and services including enterprise application systems, databases, hosts, middleware application servers, listeners, and so on, are easily managed from one central location.
 3. Pre-requisites OS/DB (OMS/OMR)

OMS Host : xxxxxemccomsdb

OMS version:
OMS Repository version: (Should be created before OMS Installation)
OS Release : Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago)


RAM : 16 GB
Swap: 4 GB
CPU : 4 core * 2848 MHz
Storage/Disk Space: 200 GB Total

150 GB :/u01 (OMS Repository/DB)
50  GB :/u02 (Oracle Grid, Weblogic , oracle home binaries)

OS Package - Linux x86_64

glibc-devel-2.12-1.7.el6.x86_64 (This is a 64-bit package)

From warning:

Libraries :

Kernal Parameters

/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range  --> 1100 65500
kernel.shmmax parameter to 4294967295

Oracle recommends that you make these settings permanent.
For example, as root, use a text editor to open /etc/sysctl.conf, and add or change to the following: net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 11000 65500,
and then restart the network (# /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart).
For detailed information on how to automate this ephemeral port range alteration on system restarts, refer to your Linux distribution system administration documentation.


Groups :  oinstall(501)  dba(502)  asmadmin(504) asmdba(506) asmoper(507)
Users  :  grid(501)  ora11g(502)

User      primary Group  Secondary group
----         -------------  ---------------
grid    oinstall       asmadmin,asmdba,asmoper
ora11g  oinstall       dba,asmdba

grid osuser whould have sudo access

Port list between OMS & OMA


Below ports should be opened from OMAgent to OMS

HTTP Console Port   : 7789
HTTPS Console Port  : 7800
HTTP Upload Port    : 4890
HTTPS Upload Port   : 4900
Agent Port          : 3872
Repository Port     : 1527
Enterprise Manager Central Console Port = 4889
Enterprise Manager Central Console Secure Port = 1159



Admin Server HTTP SSL Port = 7101 - 7200  = 7102
Enterprise Manager Upload HTTP Port = 4889 - 4898 = 4889
Enterprise Manager Upload HTTP SSL Port = 1159, 4899 - 4908 = 4903
Enterprise Manager Central Console HTTP Port = 7788 - 7798 = 7788
Enterprise Manager Central Console HTTP SSL Port = 7799 - 7809 = 7802
Oracle Management Agent Port = 3872, 1830 - 1849 = 3872
Node Manager HTTP SSL Port = 7401 - 7500 = 7403
Managed Server HTTP Port = 7201 - 7300 = 7202
Managed Server HTTPS Port = 7301 - 7400 = 7301

DB ports = 1527 , 1521 , 1522 , 1526 , 1528
OMS/OMA Ports = 7102 , 4889 , 4903 , 7788 , 7802 , 3872 , 7403 , 7202 , 7301


formatting mypc

## xxxxxemccomsdb

Xxxxxemccomsdb ---- xxxxx244.242.144/25   GW-xxxxx244.242.131     VLAN-841
Xxxxxemccomsdb-bkp ----  VLAN-824


Weblogic Domain Name: GCDomain
Weblogic WebUser name: Weblogic 
pwd: O****3

Node manager User Name: nodemanager
pwd: O****3 -- Admin Console user: weblogic -- Manged Server user : sysman

Agent Reachability:

Lowest Supported OMA target DB is

   4. OEM 12c OMR Installation  

Install 12c oracle home & create database as a repository (OMR)

5.  OEM 12c OMS Deployment

ulimit -n 4096 set in .bash_profile

Installed glibc-devel-2.12-1.132.el6_5.2.i686

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