BR0123E Format error found in line at location arch_last_get-10


brarchive -u / -c -d util_file -r /oracle/PRD/102_64/dbs/initPRD-logs.utl -s
BR0002I BRARCHIVE 7.00 (40)
BR0006I Start of offline redo log processing: aemjygtf.sve 2013-10-26 14.42.59
BR0484I BRARCHIVE log file: /oracle/PRD/saparch/aemjygtf.sve
BR0477I Oracle pfile /oracle/PRD/102_64/dbs/initPRD.ora created from spfile /oracle/PRD/102_64/dbs/spfilePRD.ora
BR0123E Format error found in line 1830934 of /oracle/PRD/saparch/archPRD.log at location arch_last_get-10
BR0121E Processing of log file /oracle/PRD/saparch/archPRD.log failed
BR0016I 0 offline redo log files processed, total size 0.000 MB
BR0007I End of offline redo log processing: aemjygtf.sve 2013-10-26 14.43.04
BR0280I BRARCHIVE time stamp: 2013-10-26 14.43.04
BR0005I BRARCHIVE terminated with errors


1. Archive destination has reached 100% & DBA has removed or zipped the archive files causing mismatch/unavailability of archive sequence for brarchive backup

2. /oracle/PRD/saparch/archPRD.log file is corrupted 

3.  /oracle/PRD/saparch/archPRD.log file has got unwanted characters due to improper editing 


Step 1. create a backup copy of arch<SID>.log 

cp /oracle/PRD/saparch/archPRD.log /oracle/PRD/saparch/archPRD.log_bkp

Step 2. check the line number mentioned in the error , go to archPRD.log using vi :1830934 & take appropriate action. Possibly it may have blank line or unwanted characters.

BR0123E Format error found in line 1830934 of /oracle/PRD/saparch/archPRD.log at location arch_last_get-10

Try executing backup again , if still same error then go to step 3

Step 3. It seems archive sequence missing issue , append available archive sequence at below highlighted line at the end of the file to direct brarchive to start backup sequence post 33999. Make sure it is correctly formatted as per similar looking old lines 

#* PRD  util_file  aemjntmr svd  2013-10-24 11.24.21  2013-10-24 11.29.04  0  ...........    339316   339376        0        0  ------- 7.00 (40)  @0759153586
#* PRD  util_file  aemjozlm svd  2013-10-24 17.24.22  2013-10-24 17.24.32  3  ...........         0        0        0        0  ------- 7.00 (40)  @0759153586

#ARCHIVE.. 339999  /oracle/PRD/oraarch/PRDarch1_339999_759153586.arc  2013-10-19 04.57.39  30245888     7994205640697  1
#SAVED.... aelfptms svd  *VXF1368919944    2013-10-19 05.04.12 ........... ............
#COPIED... ........ ...  ................. .......... ........ ........... ............
#DELETED.. aelfptms svd  2013-10-19 05.04.12#
#* PRD  util_file  aemjyhks sve  2013-10-26 14.50.34  2013-10-26 14.50.36  3  ...........    339998   339999        0        0  ------- 7.00 (40)  @0759153586

Try executing backup again , it will show messages like
"BR0017W Offline redo log file ' ' not found" which is ignorable & same has been skipped due their unavailability as directed by us. 

Backup should execute successfully now & will avoid error code 6  "backup failed to back up the requested files" in netbackup logs

brarchive -u / -c -d util_file -r /oracle/PRD/102_64/dbs/initPRD-logs.utl -s
BR0002I BRARCHIVE 7.00 (40)
BR0006I Start of offline redo log processing: aemjyhui.sve 2013-10-26 14.54.44
BR0484I BRARCHIVE log file: /oracle/PRD/saparch/aemjyhui.sve
BR0477I Oracle pfile /oracle/PRD/102_64/dbs/initPRD.ora created from spfile /oracle/PRD/102_64/dbs/spfilePRD.ora

BR0017W Offline redo log file '/oracle/PRD/oraarch/PRDarch1_265934_759153586.arc' not found
BR0017W Offline redo log file '/oracle/PRD/oraarch/PRDarch1_265935_759153586.arc' not found

BR0017W Offline redo log file '/oracle/PRD/oraarch/PRDarch1_339998_759153586.arc' not found
BR0017W Offline redo log file '/oracle/PRD/oraarch/PRDarch1_339999_759153586.arc' not found

BR0280I BRARCHIVE time stamp: 2013-10-26 15.18.55
BR0008I Offline redo log processing for database instance: PRD
BR0009I BRARCHIVE action ID: aemjyikw
BR0010I BRARCHIVE function ID: svd
BR0048I Archive function: save_delete
BR0011I 1167 offline redo log files found for processing, total size 33098.799 MB
BR0130I Backup device type: util_file
BR0109I Files will be saved by backup utility
BR0126I Unattended mode active - no operator confirmation required

BR0280I BRARCHIVE time stamp: 2013-10-26 15.18.55
BR0229I Calling backup utility with function 'backup'...
BR0278I Command output of 'backint -u PRD -f backup -i /oracle/PRD/saparch/.aemjyikw.lst -t file -p /oracle/PRD/102_64/dbs/initPRD-logs.utl -c':
WARNING: sort_backup_type not specified in .utl file
WARNING: default sort_backup_type to <size> for backup
Program:                backint 7.1
Input File:             /oracle/PRD/saparch/.aemjyikw.lst
Profile:                /oracle/PRD/102_64/dbs/initPRD-logs.utl
Function:               BACKUP
Backup Type:            BACKUP_FILE
[16753.01] 15:19:07 INF - Processing /oracle/PRD/oraarch/PRDarch1_340000_759153586.arc
15:19:07.870 [16753] <1> :  Backup of </oracle/PRD/oraarch/PRDarch1_340000_759153586.arc> is in progress.
[16753.01] 15:19:10 INF - Data buffer size = 262144
[16753.01] 15:19:11 INF - Using Media ID @AAAAD for Backup ID SAPDB_1382780941
[16753.01] 15:19:15 INF - Processing /oracle/PRD/oraarch/PRDarch1_340001_759153586.arc
15:19:16.874 [16753] <1> :  Backup of </oracle/PRD/oraarch/PRDarch1_340001_759153586.arc> is in progress.

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