I have struggled for many days to move my website from http://www.moreajays.com to https://www.moreajays.com concerning that I might misconfigure something that my custom domain provider & AdSense wont be able to detect it which will loose my revenue & users view. But...
Finally, its up & running on new https://www.moreajays.com the secure SSL layer protocol and no issue faced for detection on custom domain or AdSense after following below steps
Step 1:
Keep all password handy for your websites such as
blogger.com (actual changes be performed)
admin.google.com (to get custom domain login details)
www.google.com/adsense (if applicable)
access.enom.com (customer domain in my case)
Step 2:
go to blogger.com > your blog > settings > https availability
you will receive error like below while enabling/disabling
"https enabling blogger You have not been authorized to use this domain. Please follow the settings instructions."
Try disabling/enabling Redirect Domain and delete Custom domain name ; yes that correct don't worry delete it
You will find below message in pop up while performing above , copy the same in notepad
We have not been able to verify your authority to this domain. On your domain registrar's website, locate your Domain Name System (DNS) settings and enter the following two CNAMEs: (Name: www, Destination: ghs.google.com) and (Name: xxxxx, Destination: gv-xxxxxx.dv.googlehosted.com). See https://support.google.com/blogger/answer/1233387 for detailed instructions.
You will get unique Name / Destination for your website (do not copy above)
Step 3:
go to your custom domain website to manage domain settings
enom is my custom domain provided which could be same or other for you e.g. godaddy
Incase you are not sure about your custom domain provider details like url , login , password which happens when domain purchased via google , refer the bottom part of this page.
Add new CNAME as per note found in previous step copied in notepad
Step 4:
go to blogger.com > your blog > settings > https availability
Enable HTTPS availability , it should work now
On Home page you will start seeing below message , but actual https:// link will start working in 15 min to 1 hour. it wont impact existing http:// link.
To find details like url , login , password of your domain if purchased via google login to https://admin.google.com with your blogger admin account
Go to Domains > View Details > Advance DNS settings
That's It ! Hope it works !
Also during above research i found that "Google Workspace Business Starter" package for which i was paying monthly subscription was useless and have disabled it.
Also during above research i found that "Google Workspace Business Starter" package for which i was paying monthly subscription was useless and have disabled it.
Also refer before the adverse effect of enabling HTTPS and solutions
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